Support latest Android 9 Pie and iOS 12
Calls, SMS, GPS tracking and 25 more features
Quick installation and personal assistance!
WhatsApp, Snapchat, Facebook, and other messaging apps
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Texts, calls, GPS, photos, videos
Facebook, WhatsApps, Instagram
What is mSpy?
How does mSpy work?
Does the mSpy app work anywhere in the world?
What devices is the mSpy app compatible with?
Is the mSpy icon visible on the monitored device?
Is the use of mSpy legal?
Is it possible to install mSpy remotely?
How to install mSpy on a device?
How can I uninstall mSpy?
How can I view the data collected on a device?
With what means of payment can I buy mSpy?
What will be the reference on my account statement?
What is the procedure after purchase?
How can I get a refund?
When does mSpy collect data?
For what reason the device should be connected to a network?
Is it possible to monitor multiple devices at the same time?
Do I have to jailbreak my iPhone or iPad to install mSpy?
Does the jailbreak affect the warranty of the device? Can we cancel the jailbreak to recover the warranty?
What happens after the jailbreak operation?
What is rooting? Do you need to root an Android device to use mSpy? Does rooting void the warranty?
How can I find out that a monitoring app is installed on my smartphone or tablet?
Can I spy on a phone using its number? Is it possible to find a lost device?
I need technical help, what should I do?
